Fix Up, Look Sharp by Leonie Baur

Fix up, look sharp: Mending your own clothes 

We throw away clothes without thinking about the fact that they might just need a simple fix up to make them look like a new fashion piece again! You can contribute to a more sustainable future by mending your own clothes. It will make you value textiles and clothing more and it’s a fun activity that makes you feel good! There is no need to be scared – mending is easier than you might think. Once you made your decision on repairing your favourite sock for example, you should decide on the type of stitch. Socks can be darned, which is a simple process that requires a darning needle, a darning egg (or an alternative), yarn and scissors. Thereby you will weave the yarn over the hole in a series of columns and rows. Besides, you can darn any clothing that is woven. You can get creative and turn a hole in your jumper into something beautiful with embroidery. For this you can use patches or embroidery itself. You have loads of options: freestyle stitching around holes, creating embroidery flowers or work with beads to cover holes. By exposing your stitches, you give your clothes a unique character. It is time to make old things last and create a piece of clothes that no one else owns but you!  

If you need a hand or want to get an item fixed - join Twin Made at the monthly Car Less Car Boot at Nos Da Hostel and Bar
