New Workshop: Dungarees

I was getting total FOMO seeing all the lovely and colourful Lucy and Yak dungarees over on Insta, but was sad they didn't do my size, my big butt squeezes into a 20 or according to ASOS XXXXL, so as you may have seen in our previous blog that I have been working on perfecting a dungarees pattern so I can make myself a pair or two and with the pattern host a Dungaree Workshop in our colourful creative container at the Bone Yard, a class which will rival our popular Dungaree Dress class.

The testing is done and we are ready to launch out dungaree workshop in April with two dates:

Sunday 22nd April and Saturday 28th April, both dates are 1pm - 5pm. Each class will be small and relaxed and perfect for all crafting levels. You will need to bring 2.5 meters of a medium to heavy fabric: drill, denim or cord works well. It will be £40 per person and the class includes a pattern for you make more at home and expert tutoring from Charlotte Twin Made.

Email us now to book a place!